Magnetic strips and pre-cut flexible magnetic sheets


We can supply you with custom-made magnetic strips and profiles as well as pre-cut flexible magnetic sheets according to your specific requirements in various magnetic qualities (adhesive forces), thicknesses and dimensions.

You are more than welcome to discussing your particular magnetic challenge with us and share your knowledge of the purpose of the magnetic you are looking for.

If you roughly indicate the required dimensions and magnetic properties as well as the quantities you are looking for, we would quickly present a tailor-made and most economical offer to you.

We can also offer you paired magnetic strips, who would perfectly fit together magnetically and may be aligned directly next to each other.

Magnetic strips and profiles as well as pre-cut magnetic sheets come in various thicknesses, starting at 0.4 mm. The magnetic adhesive force for such thickness is approx. 0.2 Newton (N) per square centimeter (cm²), equaling approx. 20 g per cm²as holding force.

Strongest magnetic property readings, for example with our quality PERMADYM® 5068 showing a 1.5 mm material thickness, can go up to 4.2 N per cm², equaling approx. 420 g of weight per cm² may be held magnetically.

For further information on our custom manufacturing capabilities and entire range of flexible magnetic materials including all technical data, kindly refer to our related webpage by clicking here: Magnetic foils

If you need any additional help or assistance, or if you have any specific question with respect to our product range, do not hesitate to calling us directly on the phone or sending us an E-Mail.

Got any question? We´re just a phone call away!

Katharina-Marie Kuhn Marketing & Sales International

Phone: +49 (0)2247 9181 15 Write Email

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